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Corporate Video Production

Benefits from Corporate Video Production come in many forms, from new customers gained to effective and informative tools that can be re-edited and used for any platform from websites to trade shows and presentations to investors. Once made, the clip can represent the best of any company at any location in the world, and research shows embedded video clips covert into more click-through” per hit that any other form of advertising. Use of the video medium inspires trust and reflects a solid and well-established company customers will want to do business with.

1. Advertising and Promotion with Corporate Video Production

Make your Corporate Video Production a Viral Hit! Get the widest possible audience by making a promotional video so popular it distributes itself, via email and social networking sites.

-Why would any company want to do that? Because it s the latest in effective promotion techniques, and not just for hipsters in the music biz, the benefits can bring millions of customers in, with a little careful targeting. A Viral video clip can be anything it needs to be, spiced up with wit and humor and including careful brand placement.

An example of a successful Viral Video

– A recent Volkswagen campaign, The Fun Theory, features members of the public navigating subway steps specially converted into piano keys and attempting to use a bottomless trash can, in the style of, Just for Laughs”. The small flash of a product logo is masterful, gaining them 3 million views on the video-sharing site, YouTube. While few companies have resources on that scale, the general idea of what makes a good viral video is clear, and it should be seen by all members of the team participating to get them on the same page. Next, work on converting that idea to fit a company s style and budget.

2. Budget not large enough for Professional Corporate Video? Think again!

Costs have fallen dramatically for Professional Corporate Video Production, for these reasons.

• Companies competing for business are driving prices down, and since many will offer free estimates on ideas, getting a quote from several sources puts information at the finger tips of teams proposing new advertising or promotional videos.

• Technology has jumped ahead to the extent that smaller video cameras can offer extremely good quality results at a much lower cost.

• Comparing figures from advertising campaigns shows far greater returns from those that made use of video, an effective bargaining chip when looking for that extra bit of cash for a project.

• A professionally produced video sends a classy message and puts a company streets ahead of its competitors (who may still be under the illusion that costs are prohibitive)

3. Put a Family Face on Professional Video

• If using 100% professional actors seems to show too little of the company s human side, consider searching corporate events already on tape, for example, the annual tree-planting outing or family picnic, and suggest incorporating brief segments.

4. Preparing to make a Promotional Corporate Video Production

Whether it is to be used internally or externally, the message is only as good as the preparations made, including the script, which cannot be overcome, Hollywood-style, by hiring professional actors and a top production company. Some tips include,

• Have a clear vision of the message and communicate it to all members of the team. A lack of precision in the over-view results in no one’s ideas being capitalized on, so before meeting with a video production company, have the brain-storming meetings, draw up guidelines and a rough script and be prepared to make any needed changes.

• Listen to any advice from the Video Production Company hired. They have made 1000s of these and know what works.

• Decide if the video will feature actors or company staff, if so, pick carefully, or risk wasting costly time doing re-takes, due to inexperience.

• Try a practice run with any video recording device, to see how ideas look, before committing to one specific idea.

• Most corporate videos are presentations that feature actors discussing the benefits of the website’s services and products, while reasonably effective; the personal

connection with the viewer can be lost by a too slick technique, if the targets are internet consumers. Try to be as original as possible.

5. Contacting a Video Production Company

So many are available it is wise to ask for samples of work from any firm under consideration.

• Find a reputable one by contacting the PR firm that handles the company account, or hire one to represent the correct company image.

• Costs are very varied, depending on the videos length, technical difficulty and editing time involved.

• At the first meeting, expect to discuss ideas and then await a proposal derailing approximate costs, goals and an outline of the video.

• If the first proposal is accepted, a more detailed document will follow, for which there may be a fee. This is the stage to fine tune costs and iron out any problems.

• Payment schedules usually consist of 3 payments, one after the first accepted proposal, another at the finish of shooting and the last when the video is finished and delivered.

6. Staff Safety, Induction and Training Corporate Video Productions

These videos are an important part of the information staff need to work safely and complete their tasks, so making a good quality video pays in terms of fewer accidents and more productivity.

• Use humour to teach skills and show how expensive injuries can be avoided. Basil Faulty-style displays of clumsiness get the attention of viewers better than boring lists of warnings and tasks, during health and safety videos.

• Get the staff participating, to add personal investment in the project, and ensure all of the content is seen by each viewer?

• A realistic experience of the working environment can be conveyed in a staff induction video much more effectively than by using text training manuals. Techniques become clear and self-explanatory when viewed, rather than read about. This converts into shorter training times and lower insurance premiums from fewer accidents.

The first days at a new company can result in many confusing impressions and leave a new employee s head spinning, without a cohesive picture of the company. A training video adds organization to information and welcomes new recruits while imparting general information and goals.

7. Corporate Video Production is a Flexible Tool

Once the current video is ready to go, updating it by re-editing is easier with recent advances in computer editing software.

• Ask the production company to shoot extra footage, (some do this automatically) to vary video content

• New updates in safety regulations can be added to existing videos at low cost.

• Staff replacements can be interviewed separately and added to existing footage, with current techniques, staff who are no longer with the company can be removed from group shots and new ones added.

8. Liven up a Boring Corporate Website.

Too much text and too few eye-catching features kill many corporate internet pages, no matter how well designed. With a low tolerance for boredom, internet surfers quickly close any pages that do not offer something fresh and attention-grabbing.

• Recent technology allows flash video to load very quickly, even on older and slower bandwidths.

• Few viewers close pages were a video is already playing.

• A one-minute video will repay its cost in less time than dozens of banner advertisements, due to the over-usage of the latter, and the newness of the video medium.

9. Exhibition videos of the Future

To stand out from the crowd in a hall with many companies representing products, some simple guidelines are recommended.

• Keep it short. The viewers will see too many long clips, so concentrate on strengths and get the message over as concisely as possible.

• Make sure the Production team chosen understands the reason for any planned video, so they can optimize it for exhibition use.

• Sound may be distorted at higher volumes, so don t waste the investment by playing a video over inferior equipment.

10. More Benefits of Corporate Video Productions

Use Corporate Video Productions for conveying information of all kinds, externally, or internally for the easiest, quickest and most up to date business practices.

• Television is the only the second most popular medium for entertainment, beaten by far by the Internet, and while TV advertising costs are prohibitive for any but the largest companies, video, especially on web sites, is extremely cost effective. The chance to promote a company on this popular medium is invaluable.

• If there are 200 employees needing to see the latest updates on any subject, sending a video to each workstation will get a 50% better response than sending an email.

• Videos show off the company, staff and products at their best. The featured people or products will never be temporarily unavailable.

• To make a good impression, without flying across the world to meet prospective customers, a video can say all that needs to be said, more cheaply, more impressively and with a great saving in time for both parties involved

• A video presentation works well for communicating between companies working on different time zones and in other languages. It can be viewed at any time that is convenient, and subtitled, or verbally translated to communicate effectively in any country of the world.

The old saying, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, could be translated into modern-day terms as ‘make a video, no one reads text, anymore’, and not be far wrong. Video sticks in the mind where paragraphs fail to linger and photographs are forgotten. To be truly memorable and convey an impression that seamlessly delivers the right message, video is the medium of the future. A well-made Corporate Video Production shows how well a company grasps the need to always be current in website content. Careful planning and good use of the available budget on any corporate video ensures it will be current for the longest possible amount of time, using updates and refreshing content with additional footage, if necessary.
